[Internal-cg] Status of IPR topic in the CWG

Alissa Cooper alissa at cooperw.in
Tue Jul 14 14:26:43 UTC 2015

The CWG had a call last week and one of the action items resulting from the call was as follows:

> Action item: Client committee to scope the work concerning IPR based on CWG-Stewardship discussion and will ask for an indication from Sidley on hours/ budget involved to undertake this work. Client committee to instruct Sidley to talk to ICANN legal to obtain further insight and background to the IPR issue (possibly with involvement of other members of the CWG) - also consider involving other communities.

The client committee consists of CWG participants and legal advisors from their independent law firm, Sidley. CWG co-chair Lise Fuhr has since taken the action: <http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/cwg-client/2015-July/000252.html>. As you can see, the CWG is asking Sidley for a quote of how many hours of work Sidley would require to evaluate three scenarios: "IANA's IPR either: (i) stays with ICANN; (ii) goes to PTI; or (iii) goes into trust (IETF, mutual trust).” My understanding is that once they receive the quote they will decide whether to ask Sidley to do this work and whether to use the output of that work to help form a CWG position as regards the IANA IPR.

Folks who have been participating in the CWG should correct the above if it’s wrong.


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