[Internal-cg] Combined proposal assessment

Russ Housley housley at vigilsec.com
Tue Jul 14 20:23:27 UTC 2015

Here are my thoughts ...

> A. Compatibility and interoperability: Do the proposals work together in a single proposal? Do they suggest any incompatible arrangements where compatability appears to be required? Is the handling of any conflicting overlaps between the functions resolved in a workable manner?

The combined proposals (assuming that a set of mechanisms for ICANN accountability reaches consensus and fills the requirements outlined in the CWG-Stewardship proposal) will create a workable system.  This creates an open issue regarding the IANA trademark and the iana.org domain name for the implementation phase.  The CRISP proposal asks for these to be transitioned outside of the operational communities, and then that entity will provide the appropriate licenses.  The CRISP proposal is the only one of the three proposals that specifies this handling, so as long as the other two communities can accommodate the CRISP way forward as part of their implementation, then the proposals are compatible. The IETF has already indicated explicitly indicated that this way forward is acceptable. The CWG-Stewardship chairs have told us to ignore the text in brackets, but that text is written with an assumption that ICANN will hold the IANA trademark and the iana.org domain name.  The ICG requests that the operational communities continue to coordinate on this topic during the implementation phase to ensure that the CRISP requirements are maintained and fulfilled during implementation.

> B. Accountability: Do the proposals together include appropriate and properly supported independent accountability mechanisms for running the IANA function? Are there any gaps in overall accountability under the single proposal?

The CWG-Stewardship proposal depends on a yet-to-be-written CCWG-Accountability document.  That document will provide a set of mechanisms for ICANN accountability.  If it reaches consensus and fills the requirements outlined in the CWG-Stewardship proposal, then the accountability proposal will be complete.

> C. Workability: Do the results of any tests or evaluations of workability that were included in the component proposals conflict with each other or raise possible concerns when considered in combination?

The resulting proposal is not streamlined, but it is workable.

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